Campus Parent
Berea City School District
Tuesday 03/11/2025
Tuesday 02/18/2025
Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open!
Please be sure to select 2025-2026 when starting your application. If you select 2024-2025, we will not be able to process it for next year, and you will need to start over with a brand new application.
Tuesday 08/20/2024
Adding Money to your Food Service Account
Wednesday 07/31/2024
OLR Annual Update- Important Information
Annual Student Information Update - REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL FAMILIES (This applies even if you recently enrolled a new student for the upcoming school year during the spring open enrollment for preschool and kindergarten IF the 2024-25 application was not completed via the Parent Portal.) |
Through the Annual Update, parents and guardians will be able to enter Emergency Medical Authorization, update emergency contacts, and other information pertaining to household and students. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal can be accessed through the Berea City Schools website by clicking on the Infinite Campus button below the main picture OR by using this LINK.
1. Go to 2. Click on the Infinite Campus button below the main picture 3. Log in to the portal 4. Once logged in, click on More 5. Choose Online Registration and Update 7. Read and Confirm the information by typing your name in the box. 8. Use the mouse to sign your name on the line below the box. 9. Click "Submit" and "Begin" 10. Review, update and add information at each prompt using the Next and Save/Continue buttons to proceed. 11. Complete/update each existing student's information. 12. Add any non-enrolled children that will be starting school during the 2024-25 SY, 13. If any of your information on the summary page is highlighted in yellow, you have missed a required field and must edit to go back in and update. 14. Once Done. Click "Submit." There is an option to print the registration on this page. 15. You will receive an email confirmation shortly after your registration is submitted. NOTES: If your lease has expired, please upload your new lease. Starting with the 2024-2025 school year, owner's affidavits must be completed on an annual basis. The process CANNOT be successfully completed on a mobile or tablet device. **If you need assistance, please call the Office of Registration 216-898-8300 or complete the Portal Request form icportalsupport |
Sunday 06/04/2023
Never Activated Parent Portal Account?
If you have never activated your Infinite Campus user account, please complete the request form at icportalsupport and submit requesting a Portal Activation Key. You will receive a reply within one business day.
Forgotten Username or Password?
The process for recovering a forgotten Campus username and/or password has been simplified to improve user experience. User account verification images have been replaced by a simple email that is sent to a designated email address, containing a unique and secure URL allowing the user to easily enter and save a new account password. Users requesting a username reminder will be sent an email containing their forgotten username. If you do not receive an email, please click icportalsupport to request a UN or PW reset. Users who do not currently have a password recovery email address entered within Campus should be asked upon first login to provide this information. Users can also update or modify their password/username recovery email address within the Account Settings tool.
Monday 06/01/2020
ONLY students that plan to participate in athletics will need to complete the FINALFORMS application. The Emergency Medical Authorization for ALL students grades PS-12 will be collected from the annual Online Registration Update process. For athletes, some of the questions will be redundant and we apologize for this inconvenience.
IF you are participating in a sport, and have previously created an account, we are also requesting that you update FINALFORMS. Please be sure that your phone number, medical information, etc., is correct and sign the forms. If you have not created a FinalForms account, AND plan to participate in a sport, please do so immediately by going to the Berea City School District web site at Click on the word “Popular” in the upper right corner and from the drop down list, select FinalForms. Follow the instructions for a "new account". Final Forms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students.
PLEASE NOTE: Final Forms and the Online Registration (OLR) Annual Update are two different/separate requirements and both must be completed before the release of schedules. Your child’s safety is of our utmost concern. Updating this information on a regular basis will ensure that we are able to contact you in the most efficient and timely manner if ever needed. We appreciate your time and prompt attention to this important piece of your student’s education.